December 16, 2010
hey ...
still in the sea world..
i did this work some months ago for the most beautiful sad song.
the one about alfonsina storni, a very beloved Argentinian poet who, by the legend, drowned herself in the ocean.
the lyrics of this song 'alfonsina y el mar' from Ariel Ramirez, are so touching and the melody is soft and lovely.
Mercedes sosa sang it in her early days.
i fell in love once with a guy that sang it to me...
i give you a few words from this song here and their translation (from 'japi´s blog).
hear it when the storm comes...
good, warm night to all.
Te vas Alfonsina
Con tu soledad
¿Qué poemas nuevos
Fuíste a buscar?
Una voz antigua
De viento y de sal
Te requiebra el alma
Y la está llevando
Y te vas hacia allá
Como en sueños
Dormida, Alfonsina
Vestida de mar.
and translation:
You are leaving Alfonsina
With your loneliness
Which new poems
Did you go find?
An ancient voice
Made of wind and salt
Breaks your soul
And takes it away
And you float away
As in dreams
Asleep, Alfonsina
Dressed by the sea
November 26, 2010
3 winter logos
hey guys,
just run into some kids orientated drawings of mine, which i aimed for the weather board at the kinder garden.
brought them here to show another style of mine which i enjoy drawing not less then anything else.
to me it flows smooth and easy to color this world in clear and bright colors.
wish you all a very good flow to go with.
November 8, 2010
witch from the sea מכשפת הים
November 5, 2010
September 15, 2010
August 25, 2010
the little mermaid בת הים הקטנה
hi there
i did recently a few drawings about the little mermaid.
it´s my favorite fairytale. the whole sea world is a great place to start drawing. very inspiring.
she is just still looking at the changing face of it´s surface. not jumping in yet.. looking, waiting.
i am also at a waiting point right now. waiting to jump to my adventure. taking one long deep breath...
August 20, 2010
a friend
August 12, 2010
July 19, 2010
east sea הים המזרחי
recipe for a great 2 days vacation:
1 car
5 funny girls..
about 12 bikini sets..
5 different nationalities.. all mixed up.
1 great french cook
1 great American cook
3 different appetiser dishes
4 mp3´s with all the funky music there is..
4 cameras
1 crazy birthday girl (aka Johanna, aka documenting freak)
1 towel for all of us.
beautiful beach, beautiful trees and landscape
stir it up...
try and tell me what you´ve got...
July 12, 2010
tribe man
hey there...
i use a hot and particularly steamy and humid night to post another picture here,
and to tell you about big changes.
this guy, a small ink study of mine, is looking at me with this wise, experienced look of his,
reminding me that there always a point that everything changes.
so i´m letting myself enjoy the feeling of change again.
i was just scratching on the paper and then placed this tribe man over it.
try it.. its liberating...
have all a good and cooling night, ayelet
July 2, 2010
it took me some time to write here again.
been busy on some mental spring cleaning... i´m all fresh now..
it is finaly getting a bit hot here!
the colors are brighter, the mood is good and the spirit is up.
time to go crazy and use some more flashy colors...!
this summer is really inspiring, after all this amount of white snow...
enjoy your sun, ayelet
June 13, 2010
hey. sweet evening to all..
writing with the tunes of barbapapa in my ears...
you gotta love them.
("mami, what would you be if you could change your form?"
-"if i could change my form like barbapapa i would be a man".)
here is the virgin, with a lot of love to my grandmother who was an extraordinary woman, and a typical Virgo.
and to all of you Virgos out there,
have a relaxing evening.
June 7, 2010
aries טלה
hi guys,
i present you the aries- lamb.
before i drew this picture, i had an image in my mind of something very soft and innocent, like a child.
i drew a kind of look that i meet sometimes at the faces of my kids.
wish you all a very good beginning of an excellent week.
ממשיכה להציג את המזלות והפעם טלה.
כשצירתי את התמונה, ראיתי בראש דימוי של משהו מאוד רך ותמים כמו ילד או ילדה קטנים.
צירתי פה מין סוג של מבט שאני רואה לפעמים בפניהם של הילדים שלי.
מאחלת לכולם התחלה טובה של שבוע מצוין
June 4, 2010
lion אריה
hi there
i chose to show this lion now because it reflects some feelings i have now.
on the lion horoscope it is written that the lions doesn't like to change. they pretty much still, and never find any reason to change. this is the way that the dramatic situation that we-Israelis came upon, looks to me now.
at this moment i believe that all sides are wrong and the violence took over.
from all side involves. it is all very complicated. the more i read, the more i don't understand..
my lion here is sad. he is stuck in his own drama.
like us.
i hope there will come finally a wind of change.
היי קוראים בודדים נחמדים...
בחרתי להביא כאן את מזל אריה, האמת היא שהוא קצת משקף את הלך הרוח השורה עלי כעת.
בהורוסקופ של מזל אריה כתוב שהאריות אינם אוהבים להשתנות ושהם קבועים ולעולם לא מוצאים סיבה להשתנות.
כך נראה לי עכשיו המצב הדרמטי שאנחנו הישראלים נקלענו אליו בשנים האחרונות עד עכשיו.
אני מאמינה שכל הצדדים טועים והאלימות גואה. גם מצד אלה שנראה שקמו לעזור
וגם מצד המדינה שכבר עשורים על עשורים תקועה עם מנהיגים כה כוחניים, אימפולסיביים ועלובים למדי.
כך הולך ומסתבך המצב.
האריה שציירתי עצוב. הוא תקוע בדרמה של עצמו...
מקוה שתבוא בכל זאת רוח חדשה של שינוי
May 31, 2010
gemini תאומים
hi to all,
i dedicate this post to all my beloved 'Gemini' friends...
and to the ones that are far away: Ched, Esther... i miss you and have a great birthday soon!
something in the way these girls look reminds me of me and my sister, in an old picture, when we were kids.
we are not twins, but the feeling is like we are parts of each other... inside this colorful water of change...
(so this post is also for you my sweet).
May 28, 2010
saggitarius קשת
hey there!
there is so much rain here in Berlin, everybody´s complaining about having to wear coats at the end of Mai which is totally unheard of...!
but i am quite happy today to see the world washed like that. it´s somehow feet to my thinking mood.
i´ve been thinking about distances. about how to draw them... how to draw them nearer...
looks like the story of my life.
i chose to show you here my horoscope serie. the first will be "Sagittarius". i guess i feel connected to him..
more will follow.
i wish you a good and fulfilling night.
May 25, 2010
golf war comic
i send you an old comic piece of mine which i draw some years ago and still feel that the story is relevant.
it is painted actually on one of those gas masks carton paper.. so forgive me for the less good presentation quality...
i might take it out of here though. so have a look before its gone...
(please press on every picture to make it larger) and enjoy...
שולחת סיפור קומיקס ישן שמרגיש לי עדין נכון..
הסיפור מספר על החיילת שהייתי פעם, בתקופת מלחמת המפרץ. נאלצת לשאת את קופסאת הקרטון הזו כמו נושאת את אישיותי הרעועה במו ידי... מאוהבת בבחור כחול עיניים ועסוקה ביחסינו כל הזמן. במקום לרדת למקלט מתכנסת בתוך עצמי כמו צדף.
עד להבנה שהגיעה בד בבד עם סיום המלחמה. היינו שוב חופשיים!... זה מזה ובכלל...
)אפשר ללחוץ על כל תמונה על מנת להגדיל)
i send you an old comic piece of mine which i draw some years ago and still feel that the story is relevant.
it is painted actually on one of those gas masks carton paper.. so forgive me for the less good presentation quality...
i might take it out of here though. so have a look before its gone...
(please press on every picture to make it larger) and enjoy...
שולחת סיפור קומיקס ישן שמרגיש לי עדין נכון..
הסיפור מספר על החיילת שהייתי פעם, בתקופת מלחמת המפרץ. נאלצת לשאת את קופסאת הקרטון הזו כמו נושאת את אישיותי הרעועה במו ידי... מאוהבת בבחור כחול עיניים ועסוקה ביחסינו כל הזמן. במקום לרדת למקלט מתכנסת בתוך עצמי כמו צדף.
עד להבנה שהגיעה בד בבד עם סיום המלחמה. היינו שוב חופשיים!... זה מזה ובכלל...
)אפשר ללחוץ על כל תמונה על מנת להגדיל)
May 21, 2010
a very good evening to you all.
my evening is going to start for real only after all the little people around here will give up staying awake...
all the stories would be already told, all the kisses been given, and all the teddy bears would be stuck under all the little arms.
there is something so special and soft when little kids giving up. so tired, laying their little heads on your shoulder, or on the pillow, letting themselves go, alone to the big, comforting arms of sleep.
it is the moment you can watch them without any distructions. enjying thier breathing presence...
meanwhile i send you one of my last illustrations, and i too breath deep.
good night.
ערב טוב מצוין לכולם,
הערב שלי יתחיל באמת אחרי שכל האנשים הקטנים פה יוותרו על העירות...
.כל הסיפורים יסופרו כבר, כל הנשיקות יתנשקו, וכל הדובונים יתחבו מתחת לזרועות הקטנות
יש משהו כל כך מיוחד ורך כשילדים פשוט מוותרים. עייפים כל כך הם מניחים את ראשהם הקטנים על כתפך או על הכרית, נותנים לעצמם להילקח, לבד, לתוך הזרועות הרכות והמנחמות של השינה
זהו רגע שבו אפשר לצפות בהם ללא הפרעות, פשוט להנות מנוכחותם הנושמת...
עד אז אני שולחת את אחד הציורים האחרונים
ונושמת עמוק.
לילה טוב
May 17, 2010
lovers boat
hi readers wherever u are...
i hope u are having a cozy and relaxing evening.
to all of you that gives me all those encouraging mails or tells me just like that, that u read and enjoy, i thank u deeply.
it is very important to me at this point to present my art and it is extremely joyful to hear your voice.
this one was as well as the last post, inspired by music.
it is an old and beautiful Israeli song called (free translation..): "what will become of us?"
you can hear it here:
(press on the green button... hope it works...)
מה יהיה בסופנו?
השמיים עמדו מלכת
אלמלא השעון שתיקתק
לא ידענו שכה רחוקים
אנו כבר מן הבוקר
איזה זרע ישאו הרוחות באביב
איזה פרח יצמח על קברנו
אני אתפלל שתהיה זו
נורית צהובה
קטפתי אותה בהרים
מה יהיה בסופנו?
שני נערים ברחוב שרים שיר
בשני חלונות ברחוב
כבר הודלק אור
שתי אוניות בנמל
מפליגות הלילה
שתי ידי בשתי ידיך קרות
מה יהיה בסופנו?
May 16, 2010
hey dear readers,
Monday is creeping around the corner and i actually waiting for it with open arms... after 4 days straight- being pure entertainment & needs provider for my beloved sweethearts here. i can use some quite.
we had activities, oh, we had some programs alright... fun in big quantities!
we had outdoors and indoors activities from wall to wall... it was fun just to be there and enjoy them without having to rush anywhere, or be on time.
and tomorrow quite, and back to work, something to look up to.
i send here a painting i made not long ago. i find it so amazing to be able to express yourself through music.
it is very inspiring to listen to a special friend who can do it so well. thank you!
good night and good week to all.
היי קוראים יקרים
יום שני מתגנב מעבר לפינה ואני מחכה לו בזרועות פרושות
אחרי 4 ימים של בידור בלעדי ומענה צרכים אינטנסיבי לשני זאטוטים נמרצים ומקסימים
היו לנו פעילויות, תוכניות וכיף בכמויות מסחריות..
היה כיף להיות פשוט שם, איתם בכיף, בלי להצטרך לרוץ לשום מקום
מחר שקט. משהו לצפות לו.
אני שולחת כאן איור שנעשה לא מזמן. מדהימה אותי היכולת להביע את עצמך במוסיקה. בניגון.
זה נותן השראה להקשיב לחבר מיוחד שעושה את זה ככ טוב. תודה! וחיבוק
לילה טוב ושבוע מצוין
May 14, 2010
some face...
hi all,
during my last dwelling in ink, i exercise in letting the brush go by itself. some woman face wants to be born... some sour face.
ink and brush is a great tool to start your flow going, as i said already before.
sometimes the hand shake so bad, that i look for a meaning in it. it can be interesting to wonder off on those 'self' roads...
but it is not necessary while painting...
after the sour face, comes a hand that wants to hold something...
didn't you ever feel like burning a plain??
it's basic!! (specially while painting and sinking into your own black ink holes...)
והיום גם תירגום בעברית... בתקוה שאספיק להתמיד בו בפוסטים הבאים.
ובכן ערב טוב קוראים יחידים (ומיוחדים..) ויקרים. כן, נו.. אני מודה שקוראי האנגלית לא זכו לכינויים כה מלבבים אבל ככה זה כששפת האם מרשה לי להרגיש אתכם בבית...
במהלך ההשתקעות האחרונה שלי במחוזות הדיו האהובים, אני מתרגלת החזקה רופפת של המכחול ולתת לו ללכת מעצמו.
פנים של אישה מבקשות להיולד.. פנים חמוצות..
דיו ומכחול הם מכשיר נהדר להתחיל זרם של עבודה, כמו שצינתי כבר פעם בפוסטים קודמים
לפעמים היד עם המכחול רועדת מאוד, מה שגורם להתחיל לחשוב על המשמעות של כל זה...
לפעמים זה מענין לנדוד אל מחוזות ה"אני" הנסתרים
אבל זה לא תמיד נחוץ כשמציירים
אחרי הפנים החמוצות באה יד שמבקשת להחזיק משהו
מעולם לא רציתם לשרוף מטוס?
זה בסיסי לגמרי! (במיוחד כשמציירים ושוקעים לתוך קסת הדיו השחורה הפרטית שלכם...)1
May 12, 2010
black & white
good morning & בוקר טוב
although it is hardly morning now... it does take time to reload after a very seldom series watching yesterday...
my cure for bed-craving mornings is holding a brush with ink on it!
really! try it!... it works!...
even something is coming out of it somehow... and then u wanna improve it and slowly while making it better u find yourself waking up and really doing something! and it feels good.
in this one i sketched my ilay roughly, gave him my twisted brush momentum...
May 10, 2010
new week
i hope Monday morning is not banging too hard on your head...
trying to fill my head with music and inspiration. i hear an old song of heather nova called "avalanche".
feels like drawing something for it.
"i lay on the field/in the trailer-park of my dreams/ saving up for some day/but what is "some day" means?...."
it plays a nice image in my head... a big trailer park, old and banged r.v.'s... with old hippy paintings on them...
the song is soft and beautiful. very recommended for Monday mornings...
i recommend hearing the whole "siren" CD.
i add here some old images of mine been made for the Israeli newspaper "haaretz". it was a biographic story about a writer that was born in Chile and run away during the revolution under pinosche. very honestly he talks about his life, his fears and the love to his family.
May 8, 2010
a hard days night...
a late evening starting after a tiring day
running after little creatures...
or shall i say a sweet and crazy little 2 years old dwarf smurf.
not 1 moment of peace but loads of sweetness.
i still want to learn how to deal with situations when nothing happen like it should... or at least like i see it...
yes... this kind of a day it was...
motherhood is one giant test... but that's nothing new.
here is an optimistic picture for it.. for all the parents among us,
actualy, i wish a moment of peace like this to everyone.
May 7, 2010
fast one
i send you a very fast one on my way out..
just so you wont be too hungry...
this illustration is about some aid have been sent around germany.
somehow there was something interesting in this picture which i found in the newspaper. the road, the snow and the ambulances rushing on thier way.
now i'm going out to say some words at the Jewish monument in potsdamer platz for some women project..
but basically all i have to say is sour...
May 6, 2010
good rainy and windy morning to you all.
for the one of you that said i became dark... i post this new illustration i did a few months ago as a representation of slight optimism.. i had to make a drawing of the 60's.
through the lookout for references i saw so many stoned faces... it was so fascinating, i had to show the move...
but i guess it can look dark too...
man... i do get old... :/
me and some pillow longing
hey to all of u out there.. web junkies...
just found the time now to feed my page with another image.
yes.. that's me, i stay up late, unfortunately not in this cuttley position as this figure here... more like a back- pain-leaning- next- to- my -desk-position, looking gloomily at my fellow reflection from the screen, scolding at me "GO TO SLEEP!"...
and i do listen... good night to all, and a good morning tomorrow!
May 5, 2010
going with the flow
got some encouraging remarks about my blog from friends.. thanks for all the nice words!
(BTW, you can all subscribe here, promise to feed you good with my excitement...)
run into an old illu' of mine which I made for (the Israeli) "at" women magazine.
(in another planet at another life it seems...)
This looks like around the same monochrome colors as the first illu' down here, and just wanted to share it with you.
It is a painting for an article about a psychological view at couples being separated.
these old times it was fun to illustrate for the newspapers. there used to be a delivery boy coming to pick up the piece, being in a hurry.. not so careful.. many illustrations got lost this way, and the Internet would be the wildest idea on earth. back then.
anyone recall?
May 4, 2010
a new beggining
Monday, rainy morning, Berlin... and i open my shiny new blog here with a good amount of excitement...
i wish to show here some illustrations that have been made lately and also in the past.
coming back to my profession as an illustrator, after being a full time mother for 2 little adorable kids.
I must say, coming back to it is challenging (how to work when your flat looks like a pollution zone?!), slow (must take a tiny nap...) , exciting (hey, did i do that?) and so great!
It is so cool to draw again.
Here is my last illustration which i did for my up and coming portfolio, waiting to be printed...
it is a piece illustrated for a story of a friend.
the story is about a special girl that pass through the city at night, collecting wishes which fell down to people, being able to see things that others can not. she returns the wishes back to the people who lost them.
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